Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Wordless Wendesday

My 16th

If you are participating in this week's Wordless Wednesday
please don't forget to sign Mr Linky and head on over
to the WW Headquarters and sign there as well.

38 comments, add yours here:

Crazy Working Mom said...

This was my princess before we saw Disney's princesses on ice! We had a grand time and she looked just lovely.

Unknown said...

I cant wait to do all of that..What a wonderful photo

maiylah said...

awwwww ... she's gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

she's a gorgeous little princess

Ingrid said...

What a royal princess ! She looks (better) like our little (real) princess Elisabeth !

I loved to do the same when I was a child, being a princess ! What a dream !

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful princess!

Anonymous said...

A precious princess! Dress up is so much fun!

An Ordinary Mom said...

What a BEAUTIFUL picture! Priceless.

Amazing Gracie said...

She has her momma's beautiful smile, too!

Hen Jen said...

just so beautiful, and very royal looking.
happy WW!

MaR said...

She looks wonderful! and such a beautiful happy little face!
happy ww :)

The World In The Eyes Of Brothers said...

What a beautiful princess.

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet little princess!

Anonymous said...

What a sweetheart :-)

Shaz said...

What a princess x x

Anonymous said...

Fairy Princess. That dressing up stage they go through is so cute.

Erin Faye said...

What a pretty dress!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, what a beautiful princess!! I bet she felt regal, too. *smile*

Mz Jackson said...

She's as cute as a bug's ear! Hey that's a Southern compliment for those who didn't know...

Anonymous said...

What a sweet-looking princess! Sounds like a grand time!

Deedra said...

How adorable is that?!

Lazy Daisy said...

Awwww....she's lovely. What a wonderful idea. come see my girls...coming soon!

Barb said...

She sure IS a princess!!! My daughter used to LOVE to play dress up, too :)

Mags said...

How precious! What a pretty little princess!!!!

Mo and The Purries said...

Pretty pretty princess!
Her smile made it all worthwhile, I'll bet!

Sandee said...

What a great picture. She does look just like a princess too :)

TeaMouse said...

A cute lil' princess - nice pic!

byoc said...

What a cutie! I'm a new blogger and today is my first WW.

Qtpies7 said...

My mom is byoc, and that pic of all the holes in the snow is a joke she played on me after the pic on my WW that came from her deck. The first hole was real, the 6 are from her and a spoon. Thanks for visiting her blog!

Linda said...

Looks like she was dressed perfectly to attend the show! What an adorable little princess!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

she certainly does look lovely! glad it was fun, too...

smiles, bee

Unknown said...

Awwww! Such a gorgeous little princess!

Glad to hear you´ve spent a great time =)

The Minute Man: Colin Chang said...

She looks just like a princess herself. I watched it too and it was great.

palmtreefanatic said...

BEAUTIFUL In Deed! Happy WW!

Heart of Rachel said...

She looks like a true princess. Lovely!

The Minute Man: Colin Chang said...

The answer to this week's WW Guess-It is out! Head on down and see if you got it right!

Anonymous said...

I was sick this week and didn't get around...lookit what I missed! Whe's delightful.

Anonymous said...

it's great when they love dressing up. Hope it never ends...