Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

My 15th


If you are participating in this week's Wordless Wednesday
please don't forget to sign Mr Linky and head on over
to the WW headquarters and sign there as well.

34 comments, add yours here:

Crazy Working Mom said...

This is my daughter Shelby taken at sunset while she was playing in our backyard.

Neila said...

That is a great picture! You have a very beautiful daughter!

Donna. W said...

You chose a great angle for this picture. Happy WW.

Girlie said...

She's beautiful! I like the comtemplative look in this picture.

Anonymous said...

The uncluttered sky in the background sets off her lovely profile perfectly. Great shot.

Jenny McB said...

What a beautiful profile with the blue sky behind her.

Anonymous said...

She is a cutie! I agree with PP - great angle!

Anonymous said...

She is a cutie! I agree with PP - great angle!

Rebecca said...

Cutie pie to the max.

Ingrid said...

What a nice picture ! She really looks very cute !

kuanyin333 said...

Adorable! I'll vote for can also vote for me...I'm in different categories though! :-)

Marie said...

a penny for her thoughts???

The Minute Man: Colin Chang said...

Nicely shot from a great angle. But would have been more perfect with the sunset behind her. just my thoughts.

Stine said...

You have the most beautiful children! Thanks for sharing.

DebD said...

What a great photo. The colors turned out wonderful.

Happy WW and I hope your little guy is feeling better soon.

Deb on the Run

Lazy Daisy said...

Awwww....what a cutie. Hope your Boy Wonder is feeling better.

Anonymous said...

What a baby doll! It looks like she's in the middle of telling a story.

Erin Faye said...

What a cutie!!

Patois42 said...

Great spring photo, what with the butterfly shirt!

Mo and The Purries said...

great picture - the colors are so vibrant for pastels. was this at sunset?

Christi said...

She's just beautiful!

Happy WW!

Mama Duck said...

She is just beautiful, great photo!

Lisa - Lil Duck Duck

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

great photo!!!

smiles, bee

Believer said...

Precious photo!

TeaMouse said...

That's a beautiful pose - happy WW!

Kayla said...

that is a great shot! Awesome background, even better subject! Pretty gurl!

Mz Jackson said...

Oh, how sweet! Great photo. Hope the little man is feeling better as well.

The World In The Eyes Of Brothers said...

Aww what a beautiful picture.

Sandee said...

Takes after her mama too. Great shot.

Linda said...

A beautiful subject with a beautiful background!

Unknown said...

this is beautiful!!!!

Dont forget about the scavenger hunt at Amys Random Thoughts starting May 1st. Details to posted tomorrow..The more who participate the better..Hope to see you there!

Unknown said...

this is beautiful!!!!

Dont forget about the scavenger hunt at Amys Random Thoughts starting May 1st. Details to posted tomorrow..The more who participate the better..Hope to see you there!

Shaz said...

She looks like an angel x x

Anonymous said...

The light has really brought out the colours beautifully :-)