Wednesday, April 25, 2007

American Idol

Okay, so who watched!? I was really moved by tonight's episode! What a tear jerker. Was I just a bit emotionally overloaded, or did anyone else cry along with me. When the young boy who'd lost both parents was talking with Ryan and Simon and cried I just bawled! He was ashamed to be crying. It was SO sad. Can you imagine two young children raising themselves. It was great news to know that Jordin wasn't going home as well!!! So, TWO will go home next week. Who do you think it'll be?

3 comments, add yours here:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it was a very moving episode. When I tried to call to donate the lines were down, and the website was down also, so I don't know what that was about.

Take care.

TeaMouse said...

Very hard to watch - I can't even imagine those little kids living all alone in that tiny shack, breaks my heart.

On another lighter note - what was up with that spectacular duo they announced.....geeeeze pass the wine to go with the cheeeeeeze.

Barb said...

It was very emotional! And me & Mike were stunned when it looked like Jordin was going to be voted off!