Manic Mondays With Mo #4 "Yellow"

Spring is my favorite time of the year. It is like a fresh start for mother nature. I love to see the beautiful flowers begin to bud and bloom in my yard. I love the smell of fresh flowers! It also brings back a great memory I have of my grandmother. She was a very outdoorsy person. I remember that she always had lots of flower beds in her yard. I can remember one time picking a flower for her out of her flower bed. She was NOT happy with me. I never could figure out why until I was grown and my own daughter did it to me! There was also another time when I picked some of those tiny yellow wild flowers that grow in the grass and took her a handfull of them. Her eyes immediately began to water and turn red. She thanked me and put them in a glass of water and put them in the window sill. I remember mom telling me many years later that Grandma was allergic! She never told me, though. She didn't want to hurt my feelings.
14 comments, add yours here:
I am sooooo ready for Spring to spring! I LOVE daffodils!!
I love spring too it's also my favourite season ! Nature is waking up from winter sleep, everything smells good and fresh, birds are singing, everything is blooming, yes indeed I am waiting for !
Very nice post. Great pictures. The first one was really good.
It is favourite time of year too! great for hiking, its not too hot and you have lovely clear bright days(well not all the time!)
I love the bit about your grandma and her allergies, thats a lovely memory!
Hope the song is still stuck in your head!
YAY! All my "visitor-leftovers" who had conquered our place after Luis christening last week are gone - I can get my daily dose of "Crazy Working Mom" again =)
I love the pictures you´ve chosen - the first one is too cute. I´m so looking forward to Spring-time... can´t wait to arrange the first sunny trip/picnic... but it´s still grey and hazy outside in my part of the world.
i love the spring flowers too, i just have to get them at the florist because they don't grow in florida and by the time i get back to podunk mine are always just green stems left... thanks for sharing yours!
smiles, bee
The flowers look so beautiful and cheerful. And that story about giving flowers to your grandma is sweet and funny. Have a great week!
daffodils & jonquils
two of my favorites
thanks for being such a great supporter and participant of Manic Monday
Manic Mo
Add me to the list of people waiting for Spring... my favorite season for sure. New life in the flower gardens, new life in the fields, snow melted away, warm weather without being too hot... I totally endorse Spring!
I really like the story of picking flowers for your Grandmother. What a wonderful woman she must be/have been.
A great "yellow" post, and beautiful flower pictures.
Flowers are the greatest and spring is my favorite. It seems so far away.
Daffodils are most definitely one of the best things about Spring! I love seeing them start to pop up as that means that Spring is definitely on the way and, right now, it can't come soon enough! We haven't had a horrible winter but I've had enough and am ready for some warm weather and flowers!
I love the spring and the colors. The picture is beautiful.
Wonderful post, full of warmth and fond memories.
Love the beautiful daffodils picture. Mine are blooming right now in the front yard - too early.
You have such a nice blog here. Thanks for sharing.
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