So, last night something really freaky happened at my house. Hubby was already laid down in bed, as I was laying down, I checked the alarm clock and turned on the baby monitor. Our children sleep on the opposite end of our house, so the monitor is in the youngest child's room. It is sensitive enough to pick up the oldest in her room if she cries out or coughs, etc. Well, I turned it on and heard an odd noise. The noise would not have been odd mid-day, but knowing that both children were fast asleep made this noise odd. I knew they were fast asleep 'cause I had just checked in on both of them before I walked into my room. The noise that I was hearing was a remote controll car. It would go forward, spin around, etc. It is a new toy that the youngest got for Christmas. I stopped a minute to make sure the sound I was hearing was really there and not just my imagination. It WAS NOT my imagination. I immediately freaked out. My husband rolled over when I turned the volume up on the monitor and said what is that? I know my eyes must have been the size of half dollars at this point. I looked over at him and said, "It's Tyler's remote controll car!" He sat up in bed and listened a minute. I told him that I
COULD would not go in there, he had to do it. I was too freaked out! So, he headed that way. I followed along behind FAR behind him. He got in the bedroom and the car stopped. Then it started again. He found it near Tyler's bed. I found the remote in the TOP of Tyler's toy box. Nothing was on it. Hubby turned the car off and headed back to bed. I stood in there for a brief minute contemplating as to whether or not I should take my little one back to my room! Hubby whispered at me to come back to bed. I was so shook up that I could NOT go to sleep. I swear I laid there for two hours hearing every little noise that came through that monitor!! I know that the logical explination is that when the batteries get weak in toys like that they'll do silly things. It happened with our first child as well. She had a toy that would just start talking in the middle of the night. That poor toy ended up in the dumpster! I could not take much of that.
The worst part of it all is that there are nights when Tyler will wake up completely and totally terrified. I have been in his room before when he wakes up from a sound sleep and he is shivering. I have always played this off as him being angry and frustrated for wanting to be held so I just comfort him for a bit and he'll eventually drift back off to sleep. Now, I am second guessing myself that there might be SOMETHING in that room that is scaring him. I know one thing...IT SURE SCARED ME!!! *LOL* Anyone else had any experiences such as this?
8 comments, add yours here:
That's a little scary but like what you said, sometimes toys act weird when the batteries are weak. Hope that it was just a case of battery haywire and nothing else. Take care!
NO...the remote was in the top of the toy box. :(
Freaky. I'm sure the batteries were weak. But, it was just a spooky thing to happen.
Oh that's just freaky :(
I had an R/C car that did weird things if you left the car on but turned the remote off. I bet this is what happened. Get some sleep :)
Well, I won't tell you all the stories about my son's toys - they'd start at random, and stop when I asked them to. I'm fairly sure it was my brother (my son is named for him) coming to visit, so it got to where it didn't freak me out. Just recently his FP train started going by itself around midnight one night. The first time something went off by itself, though, it freaked me right out.
I have never personally had anything like that happen, but growing up my cousin Lynda that lives next door had LOTS of freaky shit happen at her house. Playing cards and this persons head was up on the wall watching them. Watching TV and someone walk in the room with them. My brother was baby sitting one day and he said it sounded like all the dishes from the kitchen got thrown on the floor. He grabbed our cousin and ran out. When they came back the kitchen was clean. Even the dishes they had used to eat supper that night that he left in the sink. She called someone and when he answered the phone he went well hello Lynda, calling about the person in your house? NOW THAT IS FREAKY SHIT! Said this spirit was protecting something burried under a tree they dug out of the woods and planted in their yard. Said they planted it on something that he was protecting. They cut that tree to the ground :)
drat! i just read this whole thing and now i'll be up all night too! sigh... bee
(smiles too)
That is freaky! It would have scared me also. As for your little one waking up at night frighented, could he be having night terrors? Some children have them. I think they are bad dreams but usually they have no memory of them in the morning and are fine when they get back up.
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