Monday, November 13, 2006

Word Verification!

Okay, okay, okay...I turned it off. Nope, there hasn't been anyone bothering me about it. But, I am sick and tired of trying to do it for my own comments on my own blog. I decided that if you comment on my blog and I don't want it there, I can delete it. That's the great thing about it being MY blog. So, bye bye word verification! You're no more in MY blog. YOU SUCK! It really did make me feel dislexic. Sometimes I would have to type in three times to get some of those. Geez!

4 comments, add yours here:

David said...

Well at least it isn't just me. I type with one finger doing them and still get it wrong 3 out of 4 times.

Barb said...


Mike said...

LOL. I didn't have a problem with them unless they were like 8 or 9 digits long. But it is nice to be able to comment without using it. Thanks.

Crazy Working Mom said...

Sometimes they can be super long! I just hate it now altogether. Ah well...I can understand the purpose. Some folks need it worse than others I guess.