Wednesday, March 15, 2006

This week in your baby's development

You may notice that Tyler increasingly tries to repeat the sounds he hears - including those made by people, animals, and inanimate objects. If there are two languages spoken in your home, he will try to make sounds from both languages. If you think you know what Tyler is trying to say, repeat it back to him. Listening to you pronounce words will help Tyler understand words and talk earlier.Tyler's vocabulary will grow steadily as he adds gestures to the mix. For example, he may have learned to hold his arms above his head when he wants to be picked up. He will also probably point to indicate the majority of his wishes. Help limit frustrations by interpreting the more cryptic gestures for other caregivers who may not spend the same amount of time with Tyler.
Last night he started a funny gesture. I was giving him snacks. He still hasn't quite figured out how to put things in his mouth. I gave him a few on his tray. I was cooking dinner. I noticed that when he'd eaten them all, he had his mouth open wide like a little bird making grunting noises! *LOL*

Your baby also is gaining a new understanding of how to grasp and hold objects. He can probably hold two objects at once (one in each hand) and use both hands cooperatively to accomplish one task. He is also learning to use his hands in more complex ways. Like Pulling Hair!! The way he shapes his hand to grasp a round object will be different than the way he grasps a flat object, such as a piece of paper. He is starting to look for little objects/trash in the floor too. He will also start to understand cause and effect and will learn to pull a string or cord to move an object closer. A fun game right now may be tug-of-war. Let Tyler grasp the end of a towel and gently pull towards you. He may pull back in response. This will also strengthen his muscles and coordination.

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