Monday, December 12, 2005

The Living Nativity

Last night we drove through a living nativity here in town. It was quite interesting. It was like you were driving through a small city. They had what looked like buildings there with vendors, and folks dressed like they were from that time period. There were live animals, goats, donkeys, etc walking down the streets. It was pretty cool. They gave you a cd when you went in and you listened to it as you drove through the town. It told you of the story of Jesus' birth. In the end there was the manger where Crist was born. It was neat. If there is anything of this sort close to your town, it is worth the 45 minute to an hour wait to see it!

Merry Christmas to all!!

1 comments, add yours here:

David said...

That does sound very neat. They had one in my home town when I was in high school, but I am not sure if they do it anymore or not.