Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Your three month old this week

You can't see it happening, but the areas in your baby's brain that control hand-eye coordination, hearing, language, smell, and the ability to recognize objects are developing now. That's why your baby often turns toward you and starts gurgling when he hears your voice — he's making a connection. Talk and read to him often; it's the best way to spark his communication skills, even if he can't understand what you're saying just yet.

Tyler said his first word last week! It was...Nanny!!
I am sure that he didn't say it on purpose. But, I heard him say it and I asked Shelby what he said 'cause she was in the same room with him, I was in the bathroom fixing my hair. She said, he said Nanny!
That is what the grandkids call my mom.
She was pretty tickled to know that her name was his first word.

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