Friday, October 14, 2005

Yom Kippur

Yesterday was a Jewish Holiday Yom Kippur. The owners of the company I work for are Jewish. So, we had yesterday off with pay. That was a nice break. I cleaned the house that we are about to move out of. We are supposed to close on our new house today and take posession of it on Monday. So, I figure on Monday I will have to start cleaning a new house and probably wouldn't want to do much more to this one, so I scrubbed the bathroom, kitchen, and got the cobwebs out of the corners, etc. So, I was pooped by the end of the day. But, it was good knowing that all of that is finished. The only thing I didn't get to was the desk. It is so amazing how that thing can get things piled on it so quickly! So, maybe this weekend I can work on it since most everything is already packed. I have a little filing that I need to do. The only thing left to pack are the dishes and the food items in the kitchen. Everything else that we don't use on a daily basis is packed up and ready to go! : )

I am so ready to move into our new house!!


3 comments, add yours here:

Sasha@Pw said...

Wow that is so impressive - cleaning and such on your day off! ;)

David said...

Sounds great! Glad ya'll are finally moving in. Can't wait to see pictures of ya'll all around your new home :)

Anonymous said...

How did the closing go?