Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Baby update

I went by the hospital this morning when I made my bank run for the store. I got to see the baby, but still no touching her. We can just look through the glass in the nursery. :( It is so hard to watch her through the glass and not be able to touch her and hold her. I guess the nurses can't even really hold her and touch her because she has to have that oxygen tent over her head. They had her aggravated and she was crying and they were just patting her on the head. She looked so much smaller today than she did last night too! She has a long road ahad of her. She still has fluid in her lungs, but they are hoping that she will get that out on her own and they might be able to start trying later on this evening to wean her off of the oxygen. Once she is off that oxygen she will be able to come into the room with my sister and then we will have a better shot at getting to hold her. Sister is doing really well. She seems to be in high spirits. Mom got to go in today and see the baby and touch her. She said it was really emotional for her. It is really really hard for me to swallow that I can't go in and see her. I don't even care if I get to touch her, but man I sure wish I could see her up close. She is in the farthest corner of the nursery and you can't see her very well from the window. But, in due time we'll get to see her and spend lots of time with her. I just can't wait!!

I want to thank you all for your well wishes and prayers during this difficult time for my family. It is much appreciated!

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