Thursday, January 06, 2005

I am feeling better today. But, I did stay home from work. I felt like I could use another day of rest, and there are some things that I needed to do around the house, dishes, laundry etc that have piled up a bit while I was sick. Brien tried to help out as best he could, but you know that there's only so much he can do. So, I figured that I would just stay in today as well. Shelby is still in bed. I guess she will just stay here with me today as well. We may go into town afterwhile. I have a movie I need to return, so we might do that this afternoon.
I went through my pictures today and got them all on disk and ready to take to be printed. I had lots of 'em from Christmas, Thanksgiving, and a birthday party for one of Shelby's friends. So, I need to take them and have them printed sometime soon.
Well, the cold weather is back here, I suppose. We went to bed last night and it was in the 60s and now it's turned off into the lower 30s again!!
At least it's not snowing or sleeting here.

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