The Flu
I went to the doc yesterday and waited in his office for an hour and fifteen minutes before the nurse took me back and checked my blood pressure, took my temp (100.3) and asked me what my symptoms were. The same as when I called this morning and told WHOLE body back hurts, my neck, my eyes, head, teeth, need I go on. My ribs hurt from all of the coughing, my nose is similar to rudolph's from all of the rubbing and blowing!! She said the doctor will be in to see you now...ahh finally a bed, I laid down and got comfortable. About that time, the doctor came in. Go Figure! Anyhow, I told him the same thing I told the nurse and he said 'hmmm...that sounds like the flu'. I said well I've never had it before, but it sure feels horrible. 'So, we'll get you on an antibiotic. Go home, get lots of rest and drink plenty of fluids.' That was all. He never even came across the room to my bed. So, he couldn't call anything in for me, I HAD to go in but he didn't even touch me. Arrrrghhhh...
So, I came home yesterday afternoon and from about 3pm on I was in bed. My loving husband made me glass after glass of ice water, chicken noodle soup, and brought me my meds when it was time. He also did the dishes, and cleaned the living room.
Shelby stayed with his mom and dad, so I could rest. She might stay tonight as well. I sure don't want her to end up with this stuff. So, we'll see.
I got up this morning and still cannot taste, I am making myself eat a bagle with cream cheese eventhough I can't taste it. It sure is hard!
Having the flu definitely sucks! I wouldn't with it on anyone!
I hope you're feelin' better, Bec!
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