Friday, December 10, 2004

T.G.I.F.'s been a long week. I think this'll be the first weekend my husband has been home in a while. He's been at deer camp for several weekends past. So, it will be nice to have him back home this weekend. We have a birthday party to take Shelby to tomorrow afternoon. She was invited to two, but we can't be both places. So, we took a gift for the boy she goes to daycare with to him this morning. She was so excited to get to sign his card. It was cute. She said she wanted to write her name. She had to tell the sitter this morning that she signed Landon's card too! Anyhow, we have the party and we are going to try to get our Christmas shopping knocked down too while we are in Little Rock for the b-day party. We'll see how it turns out. I'd like to do a little R&R this weekend as well. But, I don't know if that will happen or not. We'll see.

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